Get Started

About this

This is the API Documentation to learn how to use SDP classifier, an API service for doing automatic, AI driven ‘startup development phases’ labelling for startup events according to the startup development phases framework.

The SDP classifier API is organized around GraphQL

Before getting started with the SDP classifier API

Before you can start using the SDP classifier API, you'll need to do the following:

API Endpoint



You are running the current version of the API, Version 1.0.0, and last updated 15-09-2021

Get Labels

Label events

To get labels for an event, you need to make a POST call to the following URL :



Query Parameters

Curl example

# Here is a curl example
curl \\
-X POST <>
-F 'secret_key=your_api_key' \\
-F 'title=your_event_title' \\
-F 'description=your_event_description' \\
-F 'mode=single or batch'
-F 'eventID = 1' (1 for bash mode and event id for batch mode)

Result example